Thursday, June 4, 2009

Hello World...

Film is like the blood coursing through my veins; it gives me life. I breathe film. I live film. I love film. With that being said, I am neither a film scholar nor a professional film reviewer. I am a film student with lots of opinions. This is quite simply my truth.

Well about me...
I am originally from the Caribbean island of Trinidad. I was always sorta weird and off in my own world. Like, I remember walking around my neighborhood and thinking that I was like in a world like the "Truman Show" and cameras were hiding in bushes and tress lol... I would make up elaborate story lines for games that me and my friends would play. I sorta figured out I wanted to be a filmmaker my senior year of high school. I did the tech work for a class play and I loved the behind the scenes action. I didn't really know what I wanted to do but I knew it would relate to theater, film, or the arts. I deiced on film because I realized that I spent most of my free time watching movies and thought "Yo, it would be cool to make films..." So...the more I learn about film and film making the more and more I love it. And the more I am exposed to different genres, directors, waves of film in our history, etc. the more I realize film isn't what it used to be.

When I see the films that have come out in the past couple years it seems that Hollywood has become really lazy. I mean for real, why is every movie a remake of a remake done 20 years ago. Like creativity is lacking. I am so bored with what is out now. I think I have been to the movies maybe three times in the past two years, no joke. Its like being innovative is not cool anymore. No one seems to be taking least not in the mainstream films of our time. I feel like I need to go to extra lengths to see a film worth watching. International and independent filmmakers seem to be the ones that are actually doing something worthwhile. Sometimes I feel like screaming: CAN THE REAL FILMMAKERS PLEASE STAND UP!!!

So, what do I think is the solution? I think half of these wanna be filmmakers should study film, all types of film, from the silent film, classical hollwood, the new wave, international film...etc. and let them be their guide. I'm tired of Joe Schmo with no talent making movies because they have money and looking for a new money making venture and not the love of the art. Also, audiences need to stop supporting crap! I swear if someone comes out with another date movie, scary movie, epic movie spoof type sh** I will jump off a bridge. (NOT REALLY...) But cmon why pay these people to make crap on film, don't you want something more than mindless, idiotic entertainment? Anyhow I am off my soapbox, I am not a filmmaker yet, right? Until I can make a change to the movement, maybe I can change people's minds about what film can be.

I think that's it, I don't have anymore to say...


  1. its all about making MONEY! im sure these directors and ppl who support them are innovative, but ppl know what they wanna see like stupid scary movie lol so thats what they'll keep will ferrel...i hate him LOL

  2. I guess I'm naive in hoping that it would be any different
