Monday, August 3, 2009

What is "Good Hair"?

Chris Rock is taking it upon himself to explore the world of Black Hair. He has celebrity testimonials, real men in a barber shop talking about black woman's hair and all the in's and out's of the black hair industry. The documentary is funny but insightful. Here is the trailer.

I applaud him for doing this. As a black women with natural hair who has numerous conversations with friends with natural hair about "good hair" versus "n***a" hair I am glad that someone is confronting this issue on a national stage. Not only that, it is a BLACK man talking about this but not the stereotypical, fist pumping, "power-to-the people", "I'm-in-touch-with-my-African-roots" woman. LOL. I think had anyone else done this the presentation of this topic would not be funny but it would be overbearing and extremely serious and most people would not be interested. I am excited to see this!

Any opinions about the "good" hair vs. "n***a" hair topic?

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